Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

For my birthday, I got a humming bird feeder from the Mr.'s auntie! I researched how to make the food (not hard...1 cup sugar to 3-4 water) and hung the feeder. Not sure when we will see humming birds, but this is my view from the kitchen sink (see the small blue feeder?)!


Julie said...

haha SO happy to see this! I put up a feeder recently too... and when the dogs aren't scaring them away, I love to watch them. :) We are NOT old. ;)

Kegan said...

Looks Good....

Meredith said...

Thanks Kegan!

Julie, what kind of feeder did you get...seed or humming bird.
I know, don't feel old. It really reminds me of my Granny. She used to always have a humming bird feeder, and we used to love watching them when at her house.
Don't feel old just add that to the homeowner necessity list!

Mary-Margaret said...

Yes. I am starting to feel a little old too. I get so excited when there are cute little birds in our yard. I have done a good bit of flower planting this year, and I get so excited when my plants are doing well! I keep calling Mike outside to look at flowers. I am definitely getting old!

Your hummingbird feeder and pool area looks great!