Thursday, March 4, 2010

CH CH What is missing?.......UR (aka ME)!

What's on my mind this morning? Well, church is on the mind. The Mr. and I have just started going back to church (as of last Sunday). I am Lutheran, and The Mr. was baptized Methodist. Not that any of the denomination stuff matters, but I at least like to start looking at these type churches first, as I am comfortable with it. Going to church has always been a part of my life, and there is nothing else my family would have ever considered different for Sunday morning. It is a way of life.

Over the past two years, we've really "slacked" on church (sleeping in on Sunday AM, going to Publix before the church crowd, and working on the house all weekend).  2009, I tried a church close to my home. I went to 11AM service, but it just didn't feel like my home church. Every time I go to a church, nothing feels like home (I’m not going back to that one…that’s why we’re on the hunt again…way more to that story). I wonder if I am trying to replace something that just can't be duplicated. When does it come to the point when I just "settle" and learn to be happy with some place new. Well, as many of you know, my "home church" is a two hour drive, so being apart of it is just not an option. Also what is not an option for me is to continue not going anywhere.  Church is a need I have that is currently not being fufilled.

How do we go about finding a church? I have a "longing" for church and a church family (especially). The Mr....well, not so much. He is willing to go and be there for me.

We visited a friend's church last Sunday. I even saw some folks from work I knew. The service was very light hearted, and the structure didn't seem too intimidating. One con that the Mr. pointed out was when doing a baptism there wasn't much to it. Just didn't seem very "holy"...for a lack of a better word. They were very light hearted during it, and it just didn't seem serious. Now, I am sure the preacher is serious about his faith...don't get me wrong, but again, it is not my "home" church. That is not how it happens there.

HOWEVER, I think we could be happy there, but should we keep looking? When do you know when you visit a church it is the one? (Certainly if I was purchasing a car, I wouldn’t buy the first one I test drove! Same went for dating/ “love and marriage!!”)

So, I ask you; how did you find your church?  Know of any churches in West Ashley (Charleston) that the Mr. and I should visit?


Tommy, Erica, Addie Kate, and Andrew said...

OK really? We are getting more and more alike the older we get! You know we've lived up here for 4 years now and have still not found a church. I think our home church is just that good. Seriously. We were going to one regularly - or as regular as we could traveling as much as we do - and then I branched out and did some of the women's activities and felt like the red-headed stepchild EVERY time (I know better than to only try things once), and I all but refused to go back. Now we have found one that we like (I think), have friends there, a lot to offer for kids, etc. - one catch - the service with the people our age and our friends, contemporary. Yep, not at ALL what you and I grew up with. There are 2 regular services, so I tell myself we can do both, but who knows? In talking with others, including my mom, we just think that may be the way people our age are starting to worship. Really. It blows me away, but does remind me of the fun I had in youth. And I did love that. So who knows? We will at least keep trying it for now. And for baptisms - ours will probably always be at home. That's where we were married and where our first was baptized, that's where anymore will be too. And you know it's a good one! OK, longest post in history, but church is something that's been on my mind for 4 years! I think we have to get past comparing and just find what is good for us, for now.

Meredith said...

I am so glad you commented! I went to lunch with Julie, and she was praying that someone would comment on this (she feels the same way).
It has been really hard. We went to that check again last Sunday. They had communion. The Mr. and I had a long talk on the way home about how different it was.
But, on the other hand, we saw another couple we knew (one of his customers). They were very excited we visited and encouraged us to come back.
I guess we will keep visiting until we hit a deal breaker. None yet, just differences!

Al said...

I have to agree. Apparently, the contemporary service is what is thriving these days, and I HATE it. I am sucha Traditional worshiper. I don't mind the contemporary every now and again, but not something I prefer every week. So, that said... if you find a place, let me know!!!

amanda said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel with the search for a church (that rhymes!). Since moving to Arizona, I've tried a few churches, but I've found that everything out here is super casual. People wear JEANS to church. JEANS!!!! Here we are in this beautiful sanctuary and there are tennis shoes and tshirts. Anyway.... I actually am now working at a church, getting paid to sing in the choir.... so it's kind of a sweet deal for me... worship, singing, AND getting paid for it? K, cool. Anyway, it's an Episcopal church, and I was raised Methodist, so it's a lot higher of a service than I'm used to. Like, incense, and kneeling, and chanting. Not what I would have picked for myself, but like I said.... it's a job.

So anyway, I also wanted to mention that you could check out MY home church in Charleston... Bethel United Methodist, on Calhoun and Pitt St. downtown. Both services are traditional. My friends that like contemporary services hate it, haha, but it's comfortable to me, and the right balance of holy and approachability.

Sheri said...

We also have been trying to find a church. My husband likes contemporary and I prefer a mixed ( traditional & contemporary). Really looking to find a place where we feel at ease and there is a good children's ministry. Let me know when you hear of some good churches!!

Meredith said...

So far we have tried John Wesley Methodist on Suvannah Hwy and Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.

I do know that JW Methodist has a contemporary service at 6PM on Sundays. I haven't been to it.