Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Very Excited about a Particular BOGO at Publix This Week!!

Drum Roll Please......

Hershey’s Kisses or Hugs & Kisses, Minatures, Nuggets, Solid Milk Chocolate Eggs (my personal fav, click here for a reminder), Reese’s or York: Assorted Varieties, 17 to 19.75 oz bag, BOGO

And as if this deal could get any sweeter....there's a coupon out there!!  Click here for a $2 off when you purchase 3 bags!

Some other things I'll be "checking out" this week at Publix:
-Breakstone’s Cottage Cheese, Assorted Varieties, 24 oz tub, 2/$5
-8 pack Selected Coca-Cola Products, 12 oz bot, B2G1
-Pringles Potato Crisps, Assorted Varieties, 5.71 to 6.42 oz cans, 4/$5


Rachel Price said...

You just made my day about that chocolate BOGO at Publix!! I found the coupon yesterday too! I forsee chocolate in my future!! haha

Meredith said...

I am glad we don't shop at the same Publix because I plan to buy mine out! (jk). I can't wait to get me some of these. The sale starts today! I might go by there on the way home.

Rachel Price said...

I am so disappointed!! I went to the new Publix they built by my work and they would not take the rite aid coupons or the world market coupons!! I am going to have to try the one in lexington! I also got the one cashier who examined my coupons and wouldn't let me use two coupons when I got two of the same thing. Oh well...haha

Congrats on the baby!!!

Meredith said...

Rachel, When you go to the store, head straight for the customer service. Ask them what they consider their competitors. That way you know what to keep your eye out for. If you tell me, I'll look and post for the LEX crowd.
I go to a real small Publix, and they seem to be pretty relaxed about their coupons.
Regarding the coupon examination: print in color helps, if it is a manufacture coupon...fight with them. They get paid to take these.
Food Lion has coupons, I use those too. I will start posting this, so you will have more options of competitor coupons.

Rachel Price said...

You don't have to post for Lexington. I am just gonna try the publix in lexington instead. I do food lion some times too and am on their email list so I get their coupons as well.

Thanks for everything and I will chit chat with you at Easter.