Thursday, January 14, 2010

Getting FREE stuff is all a game!

There are tons of promotions online to get free stuff and even some where you have to play a game to see if you are an instant winner. Well I am a sucker for these promotions.  At first, it used to "sketch" me out to give my email and home address.  After about the 50th time of doing so, it really doesn't bother me anymore.  I use an old email address (it's still active, but not my main account) when signing up promotions. 

Here are three "games" I'm playing to try to win free stuff.  I haven't won anything yet, but give it a try.  Please comment if you win something.  I would love to know that someone actually wins.

Dove: Spin For Your Skin- This promotion allows three spins a day. (You may want to turn down your computer speakers when playing.  The music on the site is LOUD!)

The Great Gallon Give (milk)- This promotion allows you to enter daily.  After each entry, you have an opportunity to print a coupon for milk. The only coupon I've seen after entering is a free 1/2 gallon chocolate milk if you buy two gallons of regular milk.  I don't know about you, but there is no way my house of two could go through that much milk before it expires.  I think those coupons are for people who own a daycare or something!!

The Nature Valley: Get Some Nature Promotion- This promotion allows you to enter daily as well.  You have a chance at winning some Nature Valley bars, t-shirts and things.

Happy Day Before FRIDAY!
Mrs. Soirées & Shenanigans

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