Thursday, January 21, 2010

Work Wish...

Dear Work Fairy Godmother,

I wish I had a peep hole for my door as I have caller ID for my phone.  Caller ID is awesome!  If the boss-man wants to punish me, just take that away!  It's nice to say "I'll let that go to voicemail."  BUT, its really bad when you let it go to voicemail, and then you here a knock at the door ("Oh shucks, do I answer it...Is it them?...Dang it, I need a peep hole").  Now, if I could just hide in my office and act as though I'm not here.  

Can you sprinkle a little “fairy dust” on maintenance and have them come install one for me?

Your hard-workin' gal,
Mrs. Soirées & Shenanigans

PS If your "fairy dust" works, could you get them to fix the heat too...BURR!

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